Jacque Duncan, MD

Professor of Clinical Opthalmology
+1 415 514-4241

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) affects about 1 in 3,500 people worldwide. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects as many as 1 in 4 people by the age of 75 and is the leading cause of blindness in people over age 50 in the United States. Both RP and AMD have a hereditary basis, and currently, there is no cure for either of these types of hereditary retinal degeneration. My clinical specialty is diagnosing and caring for patients with these diseases, using modalities from fluorescein angiography, to optical coherence tomography (OCT), to electroretinography (ERG).

In both RP and AMD, loss of vision is a result of photoreceptor cell degeneration and death. Treatments that can prevent photoreceptor degeneration in experimental models of retinal degenerations may have utility in preventing degeneration in both RP and AMD. I am interested in investigating novel treatments to preserve retinal function in patients with RP, cone rod dystrophy, Stargardt disease, Best disease and AMD.

Patients with rod specific defects undergo degeneration not only of rods, but also of cone photoreceptors. Because cones are responsible for fine visual acuity and color perception, their degeneration is particularly disabling for patients. I am interested in studying the relationship between cone photoreceptor survival and rod-specific gene defects in hereditary retinal degenerations, with the goal of preserving visual function mediated by both rods and cones.

A major challenge in the study of retinal degenerations lies in the fact that the cells affected by these diseases, the photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, are not visible in the eyes of living people. My collaborator Dr. Austin Roorda at the UC Berkeley School of Optometry has developed a novel device, the adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO), with the ability to image individual cone photoreceptors in the central retina of living eyes. We have studied cones in patients with RP, cone-rod dystrophy and other types of retinal degeneration to better understand why vision is lost in these diseases. See Dr. Roorda’s laboratory webpage for additional details about this research.

The UCSF Retinal Degenerations Clinic participated in 3 multi-center clinical trials for patients with inherited retinal degenerations. Two Phase II/III clinical trials evaluated the effect that a growth factor called ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) has on retinal function in patients with early and late stages of RP. A Phase I study evaluated the safety and efficacy of a new generation epiretinal prosthetic device to stimulate visual perception in patients with end-stage RP. These clinical trials are among the first to study possible treatments for patients with these blinding diseases.


Outer retinal reflectivity and visual function loss after anatomically successful macula-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Ajay Kolli, Jessica Wong, Stephanie Duret, Jay M. Stewart, Thomas B. Connor, Austin Roorda, Joseph Carroll, Jacque L. Duncan

Inherited Retinal Degenerations and Non-Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Progress and Unmet Needs.

Translational vision science & technology

Duncan JL, Bowman A, Laster A, Gelfman C, Birch DG, Boye SE, Daiger SP, Del Priore L, Zack DJ, Handa JT, Foundation Fighting Blindness Scientific Advisory Board

Retinal Disorders.

Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine

Sahel JA, Banin E, Bennett J, Duncan JL, Roska B

Visual acuity, full-field stimulus thresholds and electroretinography for 4 years in USH2A-associated retinal degeneration RUSH2A study.

Ophthalmology science

David G. Birch, Peiyao Cheng, Maureen G. Maguire, Jacque L. Duncan, Allison R. Ayala, Janet K. Cheetham, Nicole R. Doucet, Todd A. Durham, Abigail T. Fahim, Fredrick L. Ferris, Rachel M. Huckfeldt, Michele Melia, Michel Michaelides, Mark E. Pennesi, Jose-Alain Sahel, Katarina Stingl, Ajoy Vincent, Christina Y. Weng, Foundation Fighting Blindness Clinical Consortium Investigator Group

Disease modeling and pharmacological rescue of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa associated with RHO copy number variation.


Kandoi S, Martinez C, Chen KX, Mehine M, Reddy LVK, Mansfield BC, Duncan JL, Lamba DA

Disease modeling and pharmacological rescue of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa associated with RHO copy number variation.


Sangeetha Kandoi, Cassandra Martinez, Kevin Xu Chen, Miika Mehine, L Vinod K Reddy, Brian C Mansfield, Jacque L Duncan, Deepak A Lamba

Differences in COVID-19 Vaccination and Experiences among Patients with Hypertension in Colombia and Jamaica during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Duncan JP, Geng S, Lindsay C, Ferguson T, Mills K, Lopez-Lopez JP, He H, Lanza P, Williams M, Tutse-Tonwe V, Reyes M, Campo A, Marshall A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Tulloch-Reid MK

Disease modeling and pharmacological rescue of autosomal dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa associated with RHO copy number variation.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Kandoi S, Martinez C, Chen K, Mehine M, Mansfield B, Duncan JL, Lamba DA

Adaptive Optics Imaging of Inherited Retinal Disease.

Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine

Duncan JL, Carroll J

Change in cone structure over 24 months in USH2A-related retinal degeneration.

American journal of ophthalmology

Duncan JL, Liang W, Maguire MG, Porco TC, Wong J, Audo I, Cava JA, Grieve K, Kalitzeos A, Kreis J, Michaelides M, Norberg N, Paques M, Carroll J, Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium Investigator Group

Static Perimetry in the Rate of Progression in USH2A-related Retinal Degeneration (RUSH2A) Study: Assessment through Two Years.

American journal of ophthalmology

Duncan JL, Cheng P, Maguire MG, Ayala AA, Birch DG, Cheetham JK, Durham TA, Fahim AT, Hoyng CB, Ishikawa H, Michaelides M, Pennesi ME, Alain-Sahel J, Stingl K, Weng CY, Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium Investigator Group

Cone structure and function in RPGR- and USH2A-associated retinal degeneration.

American journal of ophthalmology

Micevych PS, Wong J, Zhou H, Wang RK, Porco TC, Carroll J, Roorda A, Duncan JL

Retinopathy and optic atrophy in a case of COQ2-related primary coenzyme Q10 deficiency.

Ophthalmic genetics

Stallworth JY, Blair DR, Slavotinek A, Moore AT, Duncan JL, de Alba Campomanes AG

Choriocapillaris Changes in Myopic Macular Degeneration.

Translational vision science & technology

Li J, Zhou H, Feinstein M, Wong J, Wang RK, Chan L, Dai Y, Porco T, Duncan JL, Schwartz DM

Correlation Between Localized Choriocapillaris Perfusion and Macular Function in Eyes with Geographic Atrophy: Choriocapillaris Flow Relates to Macular Function in AMD with GA.

American journal of ophthalmology

Rinella NT, Zhou H, Wong J, Zhang Q, Nattagh K, Porco TC, Wang RK, Schwartz DM, Duncan JL

Macular Degeneration, Age Related.

Liron Naftali Ben Haim, Jacque L Duncan, Shiri Zayit-Soudry


Retinal cases & brief reports

Flores Pimentel MA, De la Huerta I, Duncan JL, Slavotinek AM, Moore AT, de Alba Campomanes AG

Tackling the Challenges of Product Development Through a Collaborative Rare Disease Network: The Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium.

Translational vision science & technology

Todd A. Durham, Jacque L. Duncan, Allison R. Ayala, David G. Birch, Janet K. Cheetham, Frederick L. Ferris, Carel B. Hoyng, Mark E. Pennesi, José-Alain Sahel, for the Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium Investigator Group

SARS-CoV-2: an occupational hazard presenting challenges for low- and middle-income countries.

International archives of occupational and environmental health

The HIV epidemic in Jamaica: a need to strengthen the National HIV Program.

Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health

Figueroa JP, Duncan JP, Bailey A, Skyers N

Response to: Comment on: Dark without pressure retinal changes in a paediatric age group.

Eye (London, England)

Pimentel MAF, Duncan JL, de Alba Campomanes AG, Moore AT

Biallelic variants in the RNA exosome gene EXOSC5 are associated with developmental delays, short stature, cerebellar hypoplasia and motor weakness.

Human molecular genetics

Slavotinek A, Misceo D, Htun S, Mathisen L, Frengen E, Foreman M, Hurtig JE, Enyenihi L, Sterrett MC, Leung SW, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Estrada-Veras J, Duncan JL, Haaxma CA, Kamsteeg EJ, Xia V, Beleford D, Si Y, Douglas G, Treidene HE, van Hoof A, Fasken MB, Corbett AH

Dark without pressure retinal changes in a paediatric age group.

Eye (London, England)

Flores Pimentel MA, Duncan JL, de Alba Campomanes AG, Moore A

Advancing Clinical Trials for Inherited Retinal Diseases: Recommendations from the Second Monaciano Symposium.

Translational vision science & technology

Debra A. Thompson, Alessandro Iannaccone, Robin R. Ali, Vadim Y. Arshavsky, Isabelle Audo, James W. B. Bainbridge, Cagri G. Besirli, David G. Birch, Kari E. Branham, Artur V. Cideciyan, Steven P. Daiger, Deniz Dalkara, Jacque L. Duncan, Abigail T. Fahim, John G. Flannery, Roberto Gattegna, John R. Heckenlively, Elise Heon, K. Thiran Jayasundera, Naheed W. Khan, Henry Klassen, Bart P. Leroy, Robert S. Molday, David C. Musch, Mark E. Pennesi, Simon M. Petersen-Jones, Eric A. Pierce, Rajesh C. Rao, Thomas A. Reh, Jose A. Sahel, Dror Sharon, Paul A. Sieving, Enrica Strettoi, Paul Yang, David N. Zacks

OCT Angiography to Predict Geographic Atrophy Progression using Choriocapillaris Flow Void as a Biomarker.

Translational vision science & technology

Nattagh K, Zhou H, Rinella N, Zhang Q, Dai Y, Foote KG, Keiner C, Deiner M, Duncan JL, Porco TC, Wang RK, Schwartz DM

Baseline Visual Field Findings in the RUSH2A Study: Associated Factors and Correlation with Other Measures of Disease Severity.

American journal of ophthalmology

Duncan JL, Liang W, Maguire MG, Audo I, Ayala AR, Birch DG, Carroll J, Cheetham JK, Esposti SD, Durham TA, Erker L, Farsiu S, Ferris FL, Heon E, Hufnagel RB, Iannaccone A, Jaffe GJ, Kay CN, Michaelides M, Pennesi ME, Sahel JA

Perspectives on Gene Therapy: Choroideremia Represents a Challenging Model for the Treatment of Other Inherited Retinal Degenerations.

Translational vision science & technology

Ian M. MacDonald, Christopher Moen, Jacque L. Duncan, Stephen H. Tsang, Jasmina Cehajic-Kapetanovic, Tomas S. Aleman

Quantifying choriocapillaris hypoperfusion in patients with choroidal neovascularization using swept-source OCT angiography.

Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)

Keiner CM, Zhou H, Zhang Q, Wang RK, Rinella NT, Oldenburg CE, Duncan JL, Schwartz DM

Influence of eye pigmentation on retinal degeneration in P23H and S334ter mutant rhodopsin transgenic rats.

Experimental eye research

Lowe RJ, Daniello KM, Duncan JL, Yang H, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, LaVail MM

Diagnosis and Complementary Examinations.

Young Ju Lew,Jacque L. Duncan

Dysflective Cones.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Duncan JL, Roorda A

OCT Angiography and Cone Photoreceptor Imaging in Geographic Atrophy.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Qin J, Rinella N, Zhang Q, Zhou H, Wong J, Deiner M, Roorda A, Porco TC, Wang RK, Schwartz DM, Duncan JL

Cobalamin D Deficiency Identified Through Newborn Screening.

JIMD reports

Abu-El-Haija A, Mendelsohn BA, Duncan JL, Moore AT, Glenn OA, Weisiger K, Gallagher RC

Inherited Retinal Degenerations: Current Landscape and Knowledge Gaps.

Translational vision science & technology

Duncan JL, Pierce EA, Laster AM, Daiger SP, Birch DG, Ash JD, Iannaccone A, Flannery JG, Sahel JA, Zack DJ, Zarbin MA

High-resolution Imaging in Male Germ Cell-Associated Kinase (MAK)-related Retinal Degeneration.

American journal of ophthalmology

Lew YJ, Rinella N, Qin J, Chiang J, Moore AT, Porco TC, Roorda A, Duncan JL

Phenotypic characterization of P23H and S334ter rhodopsin transgenic rat models of inherited retinal degeneration.

Experimental eye research

LaVail MM, Nishikawa S, Steinberg RH, Naash MI, Duncan JL, Trautmann N, Matthes MT, Yasumura D, Lau-Villacorta C, Chen J, Peterson WM, Yang H, Flannery JG

Whole Genome Sequencing Revealed Mutations in Two Independent Genes as the Underlying Cause of Retinal Degeneration in an Ashkenazi Jewish Pedigree.


Gustafson K, Duncan JL, Biswas P, Soto-Hermida A, Matsui H, Jakubosky D, Suk J, Telenti A, Frazer KA, Ayyagari R

Dysflective cones: Visual function and cone reflectivity in long-term follow-up of acute bilateral foveolitis.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Tu JH, Foote KG, Lujan BJ, Ratnam K, Qin J, Gorin MB, Cunningham ET, Tuten WS, Duncan JL, Roorda A

Inner retinal dystrophy in a patient with biallelic sequence variants in BRAT1.

Ophthalmic genetics

Oatts JT, Duncan JL, Hoyt CS, Slavotinek AM, Moore AT

Ocular findings in a patient with fucosidosis.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Sánchez LR, Oatts JT, Duncan JL, Packman S, Moore AT

Improvements in vision-related quality of life in blind patients implanted with the Argus II Epiretinal Prosthesis.

Clinical & experimental optometry

Duncan JL, Richards TP, Arditi A, da Cruz L, Dagnelie G, Dorn JD, Ho AC, Olmos de Koo LC, Barale PO, Stanga PE, Thumann G, Wang Y, Greenberg RJ

Col4a1 mutations cause progressive retinal neovascular defects and retinopathy.

Scientific reports

Alavi MV, Mao M, Pawlikowski BT, Kvezereli M, Duncan JL, Libby RT, John SW, Gould DB

Repeatability of Cone Spacing Measures in Eyes With Inherited Retinal Degenerations.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Zayit-Soudry S, Sippl-Swezey N, Porco TC, Lynch SK, Syed R, Ratnam K, Menghini M, Roorda AJ, Duncan JL


Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Lujan BJ, Roorda A, Croskrey JA, Dubis AM, Cooper RF, Bayabo JK, Duncan JL, Antony BJ, Carroll J

Spontaneous Regeneration of Human Photoreceptor Outer Segments.

Scientific reports

Horton JC, Parker AB, Botelho JV, Duncan JL

Correlation of Serial Scleral and Corneal Pneumatonometry.


Kuo DS, Ou Y, Jeng BH, Bhisitkul R, Stewart JM, Duncan JL, Han Y

Adaptive optics microperimetry and OCT images show preserved function and recovery of cone visibility in macular telangiectasia type 2 retinal lesions.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Wang Q, Tuten WS, Lujan BJ, Holland J, Bernstein PS, Schwartz SD, Duncan JL, Roorda A

Correlation of outer nuclear layer thickness with cone density values in patients with retinitis pigmentosa and healthy subjects.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Menghini M, Lujan BJ, Zayit-Soudry S, Syed R, Porco TC, Bayabo K, Carroll J, Roorda A, Duncan JL

Effects of the absence of apolipoprotein e on lipoproteins, neurocognitive function, and retinal function.

JAMA neurology

Mak AC, Pullinger CR, Tang LF, Wong JS, Deo RC, Schwarz JM, Gugliucci A, Movsesyan I, Ishida BY, Chu C, Poon A, Kim P, Stock EO, Schaefer EJ, Asztalos BF, Castellano JM, Wyss-Coray T, Duncan JL, Miller BL, Kane JP, Kwok PY, Malloy MJ

Ocular Phenotype of a Family with FAM161A-associated Retinal Degeneration.

Ophthalmic genetics

Duncan JL, Biswas P, Kozak I, Navani M, Syed R, Soudry S, Menghini M, Caruso RC, Jeffrey BG, Heckenlively JR, Reddy GB, Lee P, Roorda A, Ayyagari R

Diagnosis and complementary examinations.

Developments in ophthalmology

Menghini M, Duncan JL

Cone structure imaged with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in eyes with nonneovascular age-related macular degeneration.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Zayit-Soudry S, Duncan JL, Syed R, Menghini M, Roorda AJ

Quinacrine treatment trial for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.


Geschwind MD, Kuo AL, Wong KS, Haman A, Devereux G, Raudabaugh BJ, Johnson DY, Torres-Chae CC, Finley R, Garcia P, Thai JN, Cheng HQ, Neuhaus JM, Forner SA, Duncan JL, Possin KL, Dearmond SJ, Prusiner SB, Miller BL

Relationship between foveal cone structure and clinical measures of visual function in patients with inherited retinal degenerations.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Ratnam K, Carroll J, Porco TC, Duncan JL, Roorda A

Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO).

Yuhua Zhang, Christopher Girkin, Jacque Duncan, Austin Roorda

High-resolution images of retinal structure in patients with choroideremia.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Syed R, Sundquist SM, Ratnam K, Zayit-Soudry S, Zhang Y, Crawford JB, MacDonald IM, Godara P, Rha J, Carroll J, Roorda A, Stepien KE, Duncan JL

Cone structure in patients with usher syndrome type III and mutations in the Clarin 1 gene.

JAMA ophthalmology

Ratnam K, Västinsalo H, Roorda A, Sankila EM, Duncan JL

Macular Degeneration, Age Related.

Shiri Zayit-Soudry,Jacque L Duncan

Interim results from the international trial of Second Sight's visual prosthesis.


Humayun MS, Dorn JD, da Cruz L, Dagnelie G, Sahel JA, Stanga PE, Cideciyan AV, Duncan JL, Eliott D, Filley E, Ho AC, Santos A, Safran AB, Arditi A, Del Priore LV, Greenberg RJ

Abnormal cone structure in foveal schisis cavities in X-linked retinoschisis from mutations in exon 6 of the RS1 gene.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Duncan JL, Ratnam K, Birch DG, Sundquist SM, Lucero AS, Zhang Y, Meltzer M, Smaoui N, Roorda A

Outer retinal structure in patients with acute zonal occult outer retinopathy.

American journal of ophthalmology

Mkrtchyan M, Lujan BJ, Merino D, Thirkill CE, Roorda A, Duncan JL

Growth Factor Therapy for Retinal Neuroprotection.

Retinal Physician


Cone photoreceptor abnormalities correlate with vision loss in patients with Stargardt disease.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Chen Y, Ratnam K, Sundquist SM, Lujan B, Ayyagari R, Gudiseva VH, Roorda A, Duncan JL

Longitudinal study of cone photoreceptors during retinal degeneration and in response to ciliary neurotrophic factor treatment.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Talcott KE, Ratnam K, Sundquist SM, Lucero AS, Lujan BJ, Tao W, Porco TC, Roorda A, Duncan JL

BBS genotype-phenotype assessment of a multiethnic patient cohort calls for a revision of the disease definition.

Human mutation

Deveault C, Billingsley G, Duncan JL, Bin J, Theal R, Vincent A, Fieggen KJ, Gerth C, Noordeh N, Traboulsi EI, Fishman GA, Chitayat D, Knueppel T, Millán JM, Munier FL, Kennedy D, Jacobson SG, Innes AM, Mitchell GA, Boycott K, Héon E

Cone structure in retinal degeneration associated with mutations in the peripherin/RDS gene.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Duncan JL, Talcott KE, Ratnam K, Sundquist SM, Lucero AS, Day S, Zhang Y, Roorda A

Visual field loss in patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis.


Thorne JE, Van Natta ML, Jabs DA, Duncan JL, Srivastava SK

Adaptive optics retinal imaging: emerging clinical applications.

Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry

Godara P, Dubis AM, Roorda A, Duncan JL, Carroll J

Heterogeneous patterns of tissue injury in NARP syndrome.

Journal of neurology

Gelfand JM, Duncan JL, Racine CA, Gillum LA, Chin CT, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Wong LJ, Roorda A, Green AJ

Mutations in chaperonin-like BBS genes are a major contributor to disease development in a multiethnic Bardet-Biedl syndrome patient population.

Journal of medical genetics

Billingsley G, Bin J, Fieggen KJ, Duncan JL, Gerth C, Ogata K, Wodak SS, Traboulsi EI, Fishman GA, Paterson A, Chitayat D, Knueppel T, Millán JM, Mitchell GA, Deveault C, Héon E

Retinal vascular abnormalities and dragged maculae in a carrier with a new NDP mutation (c.268delC) that caused severe Norrie disease in the proband.

Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Lin P, Shankar SP, Duncan J, Slavotinek A, Stone EM, Rutar T

Advances in imaging of Stargardt disease.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Chen Y, Roorda A, Duncan JL

Phenotypic variability due to a novel Glu292Lys variation in exon 8 of the BEST1 gene causing best macular dystrophy.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Sohn EH, Francis PJ, Duncan JL, Weleber RG, Saperstein DA, Farrell DF, Stone EM

Sustained delivery of NT-3 from lens fiber cells in transgenic mice reveals specificity of neuroprotection in retinal degenerations.

The Journal of comparative neurology

Lavail MM, Nishikawa S, Duncan JL, Yang H, Matthes MT, Yasumura D, Vollrath D, Overbeek PA, Ash JD, Robinson ML

Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images in a family with the mitochondrial DNA T8993C mutation.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Yoon MK, Roorda A, Zhang Y, Nakanishi C, Wong LJ, Zhang Q, Gillum L, Green A, Duncan JL

Retinal TrkB receptors regulate neural development in the inner, but not outer, retina.

Molecular and cellular neurosciences

Grishanin RN, Yang H, Liu X, Donohue-Rolfe K, Nune GC, Zang K, Xu B, Duncan JL, Lavail MM, Copenhagen DR, Reichardt LF

Intraocular CNTF reduces vision in normal rats in a dose-dependent manner.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

McGill TJ, Prusky GT, Douglas RM, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, Nune G, Donohue-Rolfe K, Yang H, Niculescu D, Hauswirth WW, Girman SV, Lund RD, Duncan JL, LaVail MM

Rapid and stable knockdown of an endogenous gene in retinal pigment epithelium.

Human gene therapy

Paskowitz DM, Greenberg KP, Yasumura D, Grimm D, Yang H, Duncan JL, Kay MA, Lavail MM, Flannery JG, Vollrath D

Vesicular glutamate transporter 1 is required for photoreceptor synaptic signaling but not for intrinsic visual functions.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Johnson J, Fremeau RT, Duncan JL, Rentería RC, Yang H, Hua Z, Liu X, LaVail MM, Edwards RH, Copenhagen DR

High-resolution imaging with adaptive optics in patients with inherited retinal degeneration.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Duncan JL, Zhang Y, Gandhi J, Nakanishi C, Othman M, Branham KE, Swaroop A, Roorda A

High-resolution in vivo imaging of the RPE mosaic in eyes with retinal disease.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Roorda A, Zhang Y, Duncan JL

Molecular and cellular alterations induced by sustained expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Rhee KD, Ruiz A, Duncan JL, Hauswirth WW, Lavail MM, Bok D, Yang XJ

Neurotrophic factors minimize the retinal toxicity of verteporfin photodynamic therapy.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Paskowitz DM, Donohue-Rolfe KM, Yang H, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, Hosseini K, Graybeal CM, Nune G, Zarbin MA, Lavail MM, Duncan JL

Factors affecting attrition in a longitudinal study of patients with AIDS.

AIDS care

Brown DM, Thorne JE, Foster GL, Duncan JL, Brune LM, Muñana A, Meinert CL, Jabs DA

Scotopic visual signaling in the mouse retina is modulated by high-affinity plasma membrane calcium extrusion.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Duncan JL, Yang H, Doan T, Silverstein RS, Murphy GJ, Nune G, Liu X, Copenhagen D, Tempel BL, Rieke F, Krizaj D

Correlation between clinical suspicion and polymerase chain reaction verification of infectious vitritis.

American journal of ophthalmology

Acharya N, Lietman T, Cevallos V, Whitcher JP, Saidel M, Stone D, Duncan J, Margolis TP


International Ophthalmology Clinics

Jacque L. Duncan, James Palmer

Retinal damage caused by photodynamic therapy can be reduced using BDNF.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Duncan JL, Paskowitz DM, Nune GC, Yasumura D, Yang H, Matthes MT, Zarbin MA, LaVail MM

Bilateral endogenous Scedosporium prolificans endophthalmitis after lung transplantation.

American journal of ophthalmology

Vagefi MR, Kim ET, Alvarado RG, Duncan JL, Howes EL, Crawford JB

Macular schisis detachment associated with angle-closure glaucoma.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Hollander DA, Barricks ME, Duncan JL, Irvine AR

Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy in a patient with graft-versus-host disease.

American journal of ophthalmology

Cheung MC, Nune GC, Hwang DG, Sutter EE, Duncan JL

Deficiency of pantothenate kinase 2 (Pank2) in mice leads to retinal degeneration and azoospermia.

Human molecular genetics

Kuo YM, Duncan JL, Westaway SK, Yang H, Nune G, Xu EY, Hayflick SJ, Gitschier J

BDNF reduces the retinal toxicity of verteporfin photodynamic therapy.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Paskowitz DM, Nune G, Yasumura D, Yang H, Bhisitkul RB, Sharma S, Matthes MT, Zarbin MA, Lavail MM, Duncan JL

Detection of localized retinal dysfunction in a choroideremia carrier.

American journal of ophthalmology

Cheung MC, Nune GC, Wang M, McTaggart KE, MacDonald IM, Duncan JL

An RCS-like retinal dystrophy phenotype in mer knockout mice.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Duncan JL, LaVail MM, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, Yang H, Trautmann N, Chappelow AV, Feng W, Earp HS, Matsushima GK, Vollrath D

Macular Degeneration, Age Related.

Jacque L Duncan, Jeffrey W Berger, Stuart L Fine

Inherited retinal dystrophy in Mer knockout mice.

Advances in experimental medicine and biology

Duncan JL, Yang H, Vollrath D, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, Trautmann N, Chappelow AV, Feng W, Earp HS, Matsushima GK, LaVail MM

Effects of adeno-associated virus-vectored ciliary neurotrophic factor on retinal structure and function in mice with a P216L rds/peripherin mutation.

Experimental eye research

Bok D, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, Ruiz A, Duncan JL, Chappelow AV, Zolutukhin S, Hauswirth W, LaVail MM

Macular pigment and lutein supplementation in choroideremia.

Experimental eye research

Duncan JL, Aleman TS, Gardner LM, De Castro E, Marks DA, Emmons JM, Bieber ML, Steinberg JD, Bennett J, Stone EM, MacDonald IM, Cideciyan AV, Maguire MG, Jacobson SG

Correction of the retinal dystrophy phenotype of the RCS rat by viral gene transfer of Mertk.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Vollrath D, Feng W, Duncan JL, Yasumura D, D'Cruz PM, Chappelow A, Matthes MT, Kay MA, LaVail MM

Macular pigment and lutein supplementation in retinitis pigmentosa and Usher syndrome.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Aleman TS, Duncan JL, Bieber ML, de Castro E, Marks DA, Gardner LM, Steinberg JD, Cideciyan AV, Maguire MG, Jacobson SG

Linear nevus sebaceous syndrome: Authors’ reply.


Jacque L Duncan,Emmett T Cunningham